Nov 12, 2018

Obsidian Entertainment Dan inXile Entertainment Bergabung Dengan Microsoft

Microsoft mengakuisisi Obisidian Entertainment dan inXile Entertainment
Setelah beberapa waktu lalu Microsoft mulai dekat meminang Obsidian Entertainment, dan akhirnya pemiliki perusahaan yang terkenal operasi sistem itu telah mengakuisisi developer dari Fallout: New Vegas dan Pillars of Eternity tersebut serta inXile Entertainment, developer dari Wasteland.
Berikut sedikit penjelasan mengenai dua developer tersebut.
Obsidian Entertainment was founded in 2003 in Irvine, Calif. by industry veterans from Black Isle Studios, led by Feargus Urquhart. The studio quickly made a name for itself with the Xbox exclusive Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Over the last fifteen years, they have delivered genre-defining RPGs to players on both console and PC through titles including Fallout: New Vegas, South Park: The Stick of Truth, and Pillars of Eternity. 
inXile Entertainment is a team of industry veterans with decades of PC and RPG expertise. Led by Interplay founder Brian Fargo, inXile’s two development teams in Newport Beach, Calif. and New Orleans excel at creating vast worlds for players to explore with titles such as Wasteland 2, Torment: Tides of Numenera, Bard’s Tale IV and the upcoming Wasteland 3.
Sebelumnya, Microsoft juga telah mengakuisisi developer lain seperti Undead Labs, Playground Games, Ninja Theory, dan Compulsion Games. Dengan begitu, total 13 developer telah bergabung dalam kepemimpinannya. Apakah kedepannya akan ada game-game eksklusif yang masuk dan bisa bersaing degan rival? Kita tungu saja.
Sumber: Xbox NewsGematsu